Classes for every age! Call or register online (402) 493-5671.
*Jr. High School, High School, and Adult classes will be required to attend extra rehearsals in the spring.
No additional fees will be charged for these extra rehearsals.
Combo Ballet and Tap 2-3/3-4 🐤
Leotard, tights, skirts or shorts
Pink Ballet shoes
This class is a fun and interactive way to introduce your tiny dancer to the wonderful world of dance.
Creative movement is a class designed for 2-4 year old to introduce them to basic ballet movement. Students will learn different coordination skills such as skipping, leaping, turning and hopping. Along with other Ballet steps and skills for the beginner.
Performs one routine at recital
1 costume
Combo Ballet and Tap 4-5/5-6
Leotard, tights, skirts or shorts
Black buckle tap shoes
Pink Ballet shoes
Ballet/Tap Combo classes are designed for students ages 4-6 years old. These combo classes introduce students to Ballet and Tap skills and technique. Along with combinations, memorizations and songs that are age appropriate. Tap allows dancers to study rhythm and timing, while Ballet offers posture, balance and grace.
Performs 2 routines in the recital
1 tap costume
1 ballet Costume
Ballet 🩰
Leotard, tights and skirts
Pink Ballet shoes
This class is designed to teach students 7 and older the skills and technique of Ballet. Here you will learn turnout, alignment, and the fundamentals and characteristics of Ballet and its technique. Ballet is the foundation of Dance.
Performs 1 routine in recital
1 ballet costume
Tap 💐
Leotards, tank tops, shorts, skirts, tights, pants or capris
Black tap shoes
This class will help students to learn musicality, rhythms, and discover sounds. By using shoes with metal taps and striking the floors dancers will learn percussion and timing. You will learn many different steps and technique along with the history and different styles of Tap.
Performs 1 routine in recital
1 tap costume
Jazz 🎷
Leotard, tights, shorts, skirt, tank top, capris
Tan or black split sole jazz shoes
Jazz class is going to teach students dance form that is matched to rhythms and techniques of Jazz music. You will learn isolations, timing, shapes, movement including body rolls, walks, swings, and kicks.
Performs 1 routine in recital
1 jazz costume
Pre-Pointe (Beginner- Advanced)
Leotards, tights and skirts
Pink Split Sole Ballet Shoes
Pre-Pointe is a class designed for students 7 to 13 who want more in-depth training in Ballet. Students will learn harder combinations and learn more Ballet terms, along with more advanced adagio and petite allegros.
Performs 1 routine in recital
1 pre-pointe costume
Pointe 1 & 2
Leotard, tights, skirts
Proper fitted Pointe Shoes
Pointe is a class designed for students 12 and older and have completed at least one year of Ballet. This class is for the highly dedicated Ballet dancer. In this class you will discover dancing en pointe and learning proper placement of feet and turnout. The combinations, steps and skills will be more advanced.
Performs 1 routine in recital
1 pointe costume
Hip Hop 🎤
T-shirt, shorts, pants, (yoga or hip hop), tank tops, and any other athletic wear.
Black or any color of hip hop shoes
Hip Hop class is designed for students to evolve their Jazz technique. This class is for students 5 or older. Hip hop is a more funky, fun, and modern style of dance.
Perform 1 routine in recital
1 hip hop costume
Lyrical –(Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)
Leotard, tank top, dance shirt, skirt, shorts, and or tights
Lyrical pirouette turning shoe or dance paws
Lyrical is an advanced style of dance combining the technique of ballet and jazz. You must be enrolled in both a ballet 1 or higher and jazz 1 or higher level class. This class will help you develop a better understanding into free form movement. It’s extremely emotional and intense type of dancing.
Performs 1 routine in recital
1 lyrical costume
Contemporary (Intermediate, Advanced)
Athletic wear, shorts, skirts, leotard, tank top, tights
Paws or bare feet
This class is designed for highly dedicated dancers. Dancers must be enrolled in ballet 3 or higher and jazz 3 or higher level classes. Contemporary uses many styles and techniques from all genres of dance. It’s constantly adapting to new styles of movement.
Performs 1 routine in recital
1 contemporary costume
Dance Theatre 🎭
Street attire is permitted
Dance theatre is the class for the actor or actress. This class specializes in developing skills for performing, acting, singing and dancing. This class will help you discover how playing different role parts can advance you acting skills.
5 minutes’ worth of scenes or roles in recital
1-2 costumes depending on roles
Leaps/Turns/Jumps (Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced)
Athletic or dance clothing
Jazz shoes
Leaps/Turns technique class is strictly for turning and leaping technique and skills. They are more difficult and more advanced skills that need to be practiced consistently to be perfected. This 30 minutes class is dedicated to helping dancers of all ages and genres build their leap and turn skills.
No routine in recital
No costume
Shorts, tank top or athletic wear
Bare feet
Tumbling is a fun and creative class designed to help the dancer become more flexible and learn acrobatic technique. In this class you can start from learning a forward roll all the way to a sequence of acrobatic tricks.
No routine in recital
No costume
Shorts, dance pants, leggings and a t-shirt or tank top
White clogging shoes
Clogging is a style of dancing that is very lively and has roots from Irish background. In this class students will learn the different rhythmic and percussion sounds with feet. It differs from Tap so learning the two different style can really help a dance grow with musicality.
Performs 1 dance in recital
1 clogging costume
Musical Theatre Jazz 🎺
- Athletic clothing, leggings, tank tops or sport attire
- Jazz shoes
Musical Theatre Jazz is form of theatrical dancing that combines the songs of Broadway musicals with the movement of classic jazz styles. This high-energy and fun class will prepare any dancer for the vibrant lights of Broadway!
2024-2025 Season Schedule
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